Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating
(Online Survey - Sakai)
Wu Chenxi
Spring 2018, 01:640:354:01 — LINEAR OPTIMIZATION (index #04523)
Enrollment= 84, Responses= 25

Part A: University-wide Questions:
Student Responses Weighted Means
No response
Section Course Level Dept
1. The instructor was prepared for class and presented the material in an organized manner. 0 0 4 7 13 1 4.38 4.45 4.55 4.38
2. The instructor responded effectively to student comments and questions. 0 0 2 7 14 2 4.52 4.48 4.52 4.29
3. The instructor generated interest in the course material. 0 3 5 3 12 2 4.04 4.34 4.38 4.14
4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward assisting all students in understanding course material. 0 0 1 4 18 2 4.74 4.53 4.61 4.37
5. The instructor assigned grades fairly. 0 0 2 4 17 2 4.65 4.34 4.48 4.19
6. The instructional methods encouraged student learning. 0 1 6 2 14 2 4.26 4.30 4.35 4.09
7. I learned a great deal in this course. 0 1 2 6 14 2 4.43 4.43 4.42 4.15
8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject matter and wanted to take this course. 0 3 6 4 10 2 3.91 4.21 4.12 3.68
9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the instructor as: 0 1 5 5 13 1 4.25 4.35 4.43 4.12
10. I rate the overall quality of the course as: 0 0 6 6 12 1 4.25 4.30 4.31 4.00

What do you like best about this course?:

the textbook haha

it was simple

The professor is very accommodating to the students' schedules.

Detailed explaination

explanation stands out from a modern mathematics's perspective, connections with other branches of mathematics; like the way that he wanted to hear feedback from students

The professor is very nice and patient

The professor was incredibly detailed with lecture notes, and covered material very clearly and quickly at each lecture. Moreover, the professor gave concise reviews to reinforce recent materials.

extending linear algebra concepts into real world applications was interesting

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

no idea

I would slow down

I wish we had a newer version of a textbook. I also did not like that the chalkboard was filled with notes before class even started, because once class started I felt like I was rushing to write things down rather than listening to the professor speak.

writing styles; examples' selection; a bit of explanation

simply the notes on the board

I would prepare powerpoints for the lectures.


Maybe slow down in between topics during lecture. Though the professor asks if anyone has questions, many students seem to still be writing at that moment because of how incredibly detailed the lecture notes are. In between topics/examples/problems, please give a longer pause to allow students to finish writing the lecture notes and some time to review where they had questions.

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

prompting me to read the text

learned many cool methods in solving systems

the instructor's compiling of class sites

I learned a great deal of the optimization stuff

Nothing comes to mind at the moment.

seeing some applications of math in the real world and also learning new methods of solving linear systems was very motivating

Other comments or suggestions::

no recitation

Awesome professor!


nice work great professor

Nothing comes to mind at the moment.