Chenxi Wu
Contact Info:
Office: 517 Van Vleck Hall, Madison WI 53703
Education and Employment
Currently Assistant Professor at UW Madison.
Ph.D in Mathematics, Cornell University, Aug. 2016.
Current Research Areas
- Ergodic Theory, Symbolic Dynamics
- Complex and Arithmetic Dynamics
- Mapping Class Groups and Teichmuller Dynamics
- Big Mapping Class Groups of Surfaces and Graphs
- Tropical Geometry
- Hyungryul Baik, Dongryul M. Kim, Chenxi Wu, On the asymptotic translation lengths on the sphere complexes and the generalized fibered cone, to appear in Trans. AMS
- Kathryn Lindsey, Giulio Tiozzo, Chenxi Wu, Master Teapots and Entropy
Algorithms for the Mandelbrot Set, Transactions of AMS, 378(5), 3297-3348, 2025.
- Hyungryul Baik, Dongryul M. Kim, Chenxi Wu, Minimal asymptotic translation lengths on curve complexes and homology of mapping tori, Michigan Math. Journal 1, no. 1 (2024): 1-16.
- Hyungryul Baik, Dongryul M. Kim, Chenxi Wu, Reducible normal generators for mapping class groups are abundant, Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2023 Dec 14:pp. 1-11.
- Hyungryul Baik, Eiko Kin, Hyunshik Shin, Chenxi Wu. Asymptotic translation length and normal generation of for the fibered cone, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 23(3), pp. 1363-1398, 2023
- Kathryn Lindsey and Chenxi Wu. A characterization of Thurston’s Master Teapot. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2022 Nov 10:pp. 1-29.
- Hyungryul Baik, Sebastian Hensel, Chenxi Wu. Foliation from left orders, J. Korean Math. Soc. 59(4), pp. 699-715, 2022.
- Harrison Bray, Diana Davis, Kathryn Lindsey, Chenxi Wu. The shape of
Thurston’s Master Teapot, Advances in Mathematics, 377, 107481. 2021.
- Hyungryul Baik, Hyunshik Shin, Chenxi Wu. An upper bound on the
asymptotic translation lengths on the curve graph and fibered faces, Indiana University Math Journal, 70(4) pp. 1625-1637, 2021.
- Hyungryul Baik, Farbod Shokrieh and Chenxi Wu. Limits of canonical
forms on towers of Riemann surfaces, Crelle, 2020(764), 287-304, 2020
- Hyungryul Baik and Chenxi Wu. An algorithm to compute Teichmuller
polynomial from matrices, Geometriae Dedicata, 204(1), 175-189, 2020
- Lucien Clavier, Anja Randecker, Chenxi Wu. Rotational component spaces for infinite-type translation surfaces. Geometrae Dedicata, 201(1), 57-80, 2019
- Hyungryul Baik, Ahmad Rafiqi and Chenxi Wu. Is a typical bi-Perron
number a pseudo-Anosov dilatation? Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System, 39(7), 1745-1750, 2019
- Farbod Shokrieh and Chenxi Wu. Canonical measures on metric graphs
and a Kazhdan's theorem, Invent. Math, 215(3), 819-862, 2019
- Yingjie Guo, Chenxi Wu, et al. Combining Sparse Group Lasso and Linear
Model improves power to detect genetic variants underlying quantitative
traits, Frontiers in Genetics, 2019
- Yingjie Guo, Chenxi Wu, et al. Gene-Based nonparametric testing of interactions using distance correlation coefficient in case-control association
studies, Genes 9(12), 2018.
- Chenxi Wu. Lattice surfaces and smallest triangle. Geometrae Dedicata,
187(1), 107-121, 2017.
- Hyungryul Baik, Ahmad Rafiqi and Chenxi Wu. Constructing pseudo-Anosov maps with given dilatations. Geometriae Dedicata, 180(1), 39-48,
- Chenxi Wu. Delone property of the holonomy vectors of translation
surfaces. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 214(2), 733-740, 2016.
- Chenxi Wu. The relative cohomology of abelian covers of the flat pillowcase. Journal of Modern Dynamics, 9(1), 123, 2015.
Teaching and Outreach
- Fall 2024: Modern Algebra I
- Spring 2024: Differentiable Manifolds
- Fall 2023: Modern Algrbra I
- Spring 2023: Analysis I
Lecture Notes